Dropbox (function ($) { var total = parseInt( astra.infinite_total ) || '', count = parseInt( astra.infinite_count ) || '', ajax_url = astra.ajax_url || '', infinite_nonce = astra.infinite_nonce || '', pagination = astra.pagination || '', masonryEnabled = astra.masonryEnabled || false, loadStatus = true, infinite_event = astra.infinite_scroll_event || '', loader = jQuery('.ast-pagination-infinite .ast-loader'), ast_post_type = astra.astinfiniteposttype // Is 'infinite' pagination? if( typeof pagination != '' && pagination == 'infinite' ) { var in_customizer = false; // check for wp.customize return boolean if ( typeof wp !== 'undefined' ) { in_customizer = typeof wp.customize !== 'undefined' ? true : false; if ( in_customizer ) { return; } } if( typeof infinite_event != '' ) { switch( infinite_event ) { case 'click': $('.ast-load-more').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // For Click if( count != 'undefined' && count != ''&& total != 'undefined' && total != '' ) { if ( count > total ) return false; NextloadArticles(count); count++; } }); break; case 'scroll': $('.ast-load-more').hide(); if( $('#main').find('article:last').length > 0 ) { var windowHeight50 = jQuery(window).outerHeight() / 1.25; $(window).scroll(function () { if( ( $(window).scrollTop() + windowHeight50 ) >= ( $('#main').find('article:last').offset().top ) ) { if (count > total) { return false; } else { // Pause for the moment ( execute if post loaded ) if( loadStatus == true ) { NextloadArticles(count); count++; loadStatus = false; } } } }); } break; } } /** * Append Posts via AJAX * * Perform masonry operations. */ function NextloadArticles(pageNumber) { $('.ast-load-more').removeClass('.active').hide(); loader.show(); var data = { action : 'astra_pagination_infinite', page_no : pageNumber, post_type : ast_post_type, nonce: infinite_nonce, query_vars: astra.query_vars, astra_infinite: 'astra_pagination_ajax', } $.post( ajax_url, data, function( data ) { $( window ).trigger('astAddedAjaxPosts'); var boxes = $(data); // Disable loader loader.hide(); $('.ast-load-more').addClass('active').show(); // Append articles $('#main > .ast-row').append( boxes ); var grid_layout = astra.grid_layout || '3'; // Append articles if( 1 == masonryEnabled && grid_layout > 1 ) { $('#main > .ast-row').masonry('appended', boxes, true); $('#main > .ast-row').imagesLoaded(function () { $('#main > .ast-row').masonry('reload'); }); $('#main > .ast-row').trigger('masonryItemAdded'); } // Add grid classes var msg = astra.no_more_post_message || ''; // Show no more post message if( count > total ) { $('.ast-pagination-infinite').html( '' + msg + "" ); } $( window ).trigger('astBlogProAjaxPostsAdded'); // Complete the process 'loadStatus' loadStatus = true; }); } } })(jQuery); Devisi Italia - Hawaii -